Why FRP Sheet & Composite FRP
FRP Vs. Conventional materials

Fibre Reinforced Composites (also known as Composite FRPs) are undoubtedly a superior alternative material for a variety of applications. Thanks to the high strength to weight ratio and ability to withstand corrosive environments, Composite FRP compares very favourably to traditional materials of construction like Steel, Aluminium and Wood in industries such as Chemicals, Telecom, Auto interiors, Wind turbines and Aviation.
In addition, FRP Companies produce in a range of complex shapes, colours and surface finishes that enables it to find use in a range of applications. Structures, claddings and products made from FRP Companies provide long years of service life and do not need any maintenance. When used in industrial applications, FRP structures also provide natural insulation against electrical shock.

Anti Corrosive

Easy To Handle

Cost Effective



- FRP Products Manufacturer
- FRP Manufacturers In India
- FRP Sheet
- FRP Companies
- FRP Pipe Manufacturer